Environmental Community Project | Norwood Junk Action | United Kingdom

The Junk
Clock Tower

 Part of our celebration was the unveiling a four-and-a-half metre replica of the South Norwood Clock Tower sculpture made from litter. The artwork has been created by South Norwood Primary School pupils  after their  litter-picking sessions. A series of making workshops leading up to the JunKAction Celebration culminated in the collectively created iconic sculpture.

The Litter-picking Tour

During the day, our Fantastic NJA volunteer Marley King guided a litter-picking tour with local participants. Participants left well-trodden paths to discover local interest points and view public litter sculptures created by NJA. Participants were also encouraged to actively engage in the tour using provided litter-picking kits. In addition, a beautifully illustrated street map made by Croydon-based artist Becky James served as a visual guide.


Supported by The Peabody Community Grant NJA has created a printed Litter Picking Manual in the style of IKEA instructions. The booklet portrays the benefit of litter-picking on our physical and mental health.  The limited edition of thiswitty litter-picking instruction manual was available for visitors to take home and inspire further action beyond the festival.


Luminous Passage was a light-provoking public installation set up as a chandelier above the station under the passage. The artwork was created by light designer Issac Matovu, a cherished volunteer and a longtime member of NJA. This installation, made of plastic bottles collected in the neighbourhood, comes alive at night with its mysterious, shimmering light.